As the song says:

Our Hope is built on nothing less than

Jesus Christ and righteousness:



Who  is he
What is he
Why  is he

 The Local Church is the 1st line of defense and offense against Satan and the assailants who are against righteousness, Ephesians 6:11-18.

The Ideal Church is the Church at Philadelphia. By keeping the accolades of Philadelphia you are automatically a member, Revelation 3:7-13. Each of us will be judged by our walk with the Lord and not by the irreverent acts of the Elders. You might be wise to vote with your feet. Our only recourse is to prayerfully study the Bible and find a Church group who accurately teaches Jesus as the Son Of God from the Bible. Some things are hard to understand, 2Peter 3:13-18.

When reading the Bible all believers are face to face with God, 1Corinthians 13:9-13.

The Local Church has 2 ordinances which are water baptism, 1Peter 3:21 by submersion and the Eucharist, Holy Communion as a memorial to Christ who gave His mortal life for His Church, 1Corinthians 11:26 and the World, 1John 2:2.

The Church will do Holy Communion as a memorial until Jesus Christ comes again.  Probably, tribulation Saints will observe it many times in the 7 year post Rapture period.

The word translated death means Mortal death.  Jesus Christ only had one mortal life.  God the Son is Deity and is and always has been immortal.  His mortal Body was raised from the dead and is now immortal, eternal, Hebrews 7:22-28 which He will keep forever and that is the pattern for our resurrection.

The seed of the Body of Jesus originally came from Adam and was transferred to Eve, Genesis 3:15 before the transgression and was passed through the genealogy of Luke 3:23-38 to the virgin Mary, Galatians 3:19 where the Holy Spirit positioned and activated the dormant seed, Luke 1:35 in the ovum of Mary and so it was a mortal seed but without the degraded effects of the SIN of Adam.

Luke chapter 3:

23**And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli, etc;.

A better translation:

23**And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, the stepson of Joseph and the Grandson of Heli, etc;.

The word Son in Hebrew sometimes means Grandson or Great Grandson. So, as always; see the context, see Matthew 1:1 below.

The genealogy beginning at Matthew chapter one is the genealogy of Joseph and not the Genealogy of Jesus Christ.

Matthew chapter 1:

King James Version

1**The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

International Standard Version:

1**This is a record of the life of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

From Abraham to King David the two genealogies are the same but split at Luke 3:32 with Nathan being the line to Christ and Matthew 1:6 with Solomon being the line to Joseph the step father of Jesus.

We celebrate the Birth, life, death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ at the Local Church as well as the whole council of God, Malachi 2:9, 2Timothy 4:1-5 as portrayed by the context of the Bible ONLY, Revelation 3:8and10.  

Commentary must accurately reflect the context of the Bible or be ignored, 1John 2:21-23.

Hebrews 4:12-16:

We, the redeemed have been promised Eternal Life in a New Heaven and New Earth and many other exceedingly great promises.

We have the written testimony of Eye witnesses, the Apostles Peter and John and the half brothers of Jesus, James and Jude and the Apostle Paul who had direct contact with Jesus, post resurrection and Luke who was a biographer and is the human author of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles.

Christian Outreach to the World:

Matthew 7:6

If we move the “N” in Satan to before the “T” we get the word Santa which is Christmas for many people.  So then, Santa is a distortion of the Christmas message to the world.

We still celebrate Christmas for its meaning exchanging gifts with Christmas cheer but the merchandisers have turned it to money losing the real benefit for themselves and causing much stress for others.

To us Easter is the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ but is named after ISHTAR the goddess of fertility which is why we have Easter bunnies and colored eggs.

As kids we enjoyed Easter egg hunts and bunnies and were led to understand that it somehow represented the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

Perhaps the Eggs represent New Life and the Bunny represents abundant life?  Bunnies do not lay eggs. Some celebrate with newly hatched baby chicks rather than colored boiled eggs.

Women always had Easter outfits, especially Hats to wear to Church on Easter Sunday and other Sunday activities. Many kids especially girls had Easter outfits also.

The two celebrations probably were deliberately made to coincide by Christians to win over idolaters to Christianity but the heathen imagery is used by the world rather than the celebration of the resurrection so for many it is just another holiday called Easter, 1Corinthians 2:14-16.

The etymology, origin of the word HOLIDAY is old English for HOLY DAY.

The Church understands the real celebration of the resurrection but many things are hidden from the World, 2Corinthians 4:3-4.

The Worlds Hope:

Why does NASA and universities that were started by Christians use the names of Greek gods and promote Evolution? Could it be that Satan really is the God of this world? Professing to be wise they became Pawns of Satan, 2Corinthians 4:3-4.  Satan moves his Sons of Disobedience, Ephesians 2:2 into established institutions and they take over when the establishment forgets God.

Planet Earth is a Prison where redemption will be completed and Evil will be judged except for the final judgment that will probably occur near the Lake Of Fire, Revelation 20:11-15.

By updating 1940’s technology the USA put a man on Earth’s Moon in less than 10 years. 

Mars is a dream for a lot of people. To go and stay there they will need special shelters and must find a water source. The soil is poisoned and will not support Earth vegetation and the atmosphere will not support human or animal life.  Still, they have plans to overcome these obstacles such as the Bio-Sphere that failed on Earth but should have worked and the making of fuel from the planets chemistry.

Earth’s Moon and Mars are only stepping stones to habitable planets which are light years away if they exist as hoped for.  Seekers are looking for worm holes and time travel and frozen and deep sleep for humans and cloning and advanced genetic manipulation to accomplish their goals of extended mortal life, etc;.

The Human race is very intelligent and competent, able to move rapidly from theory to fact, Genesis 11:6. There has even been planning for a new universal language.  Given sufficient time they will probably accomplish their goals BUT space exploration will probably be reserved for the Redeemed Saints of God as implemented by the righteous God and not the god of this world, 2Corinthians chapter 4.

Earth was uninhabitable before God formed it in 6 days for habitation of human and animal life.

Earth had an abundant water source and was formed to have an atmosphere to support human and animal life and plant life for recycling of carbon dioxide and monoxide and for food and required no special shelter or covering against the elements, Genesis 1:2, Genesis 2:9and19 as there was no cold or rain but it was very tropical.

The sun and moon were positioned, Genesis 1:16-17 in the 6 days period at exact intervals to be fully functional. It is estimated that the sun distance from Earth, plus or minus 1% would make Earth an ice ball or a desert.

Some estimates claim the distance varies more like 3% in a normal year by Earths elliptical orbit around the Sun giving us great temperature and weather variations.

Because the Earth Axis is tipped we have very different seasons in the north and south hemispheres.

Before the flood of Noah the Earth probably had a vertical axis and a circular orbit around the Sun which is why tropical vegetation is found in the bellies of frozen Mastodons in the Polar Regions.

The tipping and change of orbit caused a change in atmospheric temperature and that is why it rains as it does today but then for 40 days and nights which returned the water canopy to planet Earth, Genesis 1:6-8.

The loss of the water canopy greatly reduced the longevity of mankind but will expedite God’s plan by reducing Man’s Evil days under the Sun, Psalm 90:10 that will end in redemption of the redeemable.

Dinosaurs, Job 40:15-24 and Job 41:1-10 may have been genetically programmed to cease procreating or to morph to a subspecies such as Mastodons who probably morphed to different types of Elephants as in India and Africa before their extinction.

P.S The dinosaurs of Job are not Crocodiles or Hippopotamus. Please see the context.
