Who  is he
What is he
Why  is he


My very strong impression of newborn baby’s is this; they are little human computers with volition and apparatus for learning, for imputing data through their eyes and ears and touch giving them choices, Luke 11:34-36.

Helen Adams Keller who was born blind and deaf became a scholar, author and lecturer through her since of touch.  

Being born male or female with volition, we have input from the world around us beginning with our parents and grandparents even adoptive parents and Foster parents any of which can be good or bad but they are the most consequential influence in the early years of our lives, Proverbs 22:1-6.

A number of years ago a friend’s six year old daughter began the 1st grade by informing the teacher “that is not how we do it at home”. The daughter is now a great grandmother with much influence.

After some years and much general influence we become adults and move into society becoming an influence for good or bad and with our volition, choosing friends and rejecting enemies and opting for what in our opinion is the best way to live but with the ability to change our mind, Joshua 24:15, Amos 5:14-15, 1Corinthians 15:33-34, Romans chapter 2.

Genesis chapter 17:

01 When Abram was ninety-nine years old the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am God Almighty; WALK BEFORE ME and be BLAMELESS (be obedient)

02 so that I may make my covenant (contract or testament) between us and THAT I MAY MULTIPLY YOU GREATLY.”

The disobedient cannot walk with God as they are determined to walk a different path.

The terms of the covenant, contract, testament are dictated by God and NOT negotiated but they are doable, reasonable but sometimes seem difficult, Luke 12:11-12.

The Prophet Job was also a man of God but God used the life of Job to illustrate SUFFERING AND BLESSING and FAITHFULNESS but with the same instruction for service to God that Abraham had.

Job expands our understanding of WALK BEFORE ME AND BE BLAMELESS which does NOT MEAN SINLESS but means by God’s GRACE plan which may include suffering, Job 13:23.

During Job’s testing he did NOT sin with his lips as did his 3 religious friends meaning what Job said was correct, Job 42:7-9.

Job mistakenly thought he was being disciplined for his sins and that he might even die but it was his FAITHFULNESS that was being tested. He did not blame God; Job 1:22 even though God ALLOWED the testing WITH LIMITATIONS, 1Peter 1:5-6, James 1:2-4.

Job chapter 1:

01 There was a man in the land of UZ whose name was Job and that man was BLAMELESS AND UPRIGHT, one who FEARED GOD AND TURNED AWAY FROM EVIL.

Job chapter 2:

03 And the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him ON THE EARTH, a BLAMELESS AND UPRIGHT MAN, WHO FEARS GOD AND TURNS AWAY FROM EVIL? He still holds fast HIS INTEGRITY, although you incited Me against him to destroy him WITHOUT REASON.”

God FOREKNEW that Job would be FAITHFUL but you and me and the Elect Angels of God did not know.

Satan’s ultimate goal is control of planet earth and destruction or removal of God’s elect. Satan made a wager and lost but cannot give up as the future depends on success.

At Revelation 12:7-17 Satan will lose the argument and be expelled from the 3rd heaven leading to Armageddon and prison in 3.5 years and the “Lake of Fire” in 1000 years. This is God’s time table and it is not negotiated or deferred.

The Angels learn by observation and we have the recorded event, written history in the Bible of future and fulfilled prophecy, 1Timothyn 5:21.

The Bible is not just a book of facts but when it is properly assembled it presents a complete word picture of connected events of history and the future as inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, 2Peter 1:20-21, 2Timothy 2:15.

Elihu, a wise youth:

Job chapter 32:

07 I said, ‘Let days (age) speak, and many years teach wisdom’,

08 BUT it is the SPIRIT IN MAN, THE BREATH OF THE ALMIGHTY, that makes him to understand, 1Corinthians chapter 2.

09 It is neither the old who are wise, nor the aged who understand what is right, 1Timothy 4:12, 2Timothy 2:15.

The land of UZ was named for a grandson of Shem the 2nd born of Noah and is located in what today is called JORDAN.

Shem is the great grandfather of Abraham and Sarah and Patriarch of the Semitic people.

Jordan in former times has also been called Ammon and Moab after the off spring of Abraham’s nephew Lot.

Another portion of Jordan was formerly called Edom and was named after Esau, Genesis 25:30 and 32:3 the brother of Jacob. Jacob was renamed Israel.

Jordan will be important to Israel during the Great Tribulation as it is expected to be a refuge for them, Revelation 12:13-19 as it was in 70AD.

Dying for the faith, being murdered as has been done to many is something that could happen to anyone if called upon, Romans 8:35-39. Acts 9:22-25 was a way of escape provided for the Apostle Paul but his MORTAL life eventually came to an end, 2Timothy 4:5-6.

Luke 22:35 He, JESUS said to them, His Disciples, When I sent you without a purse, or a wallet, or sandals, did you lack anything? And they said NOTHING.

Luke 22:36 Then He said to them, BUT NOW, the one having a purse or a wallet let him use his money and the one not having money, let him sell his garment and BUY A SWORD.

A sword for us would be a FIREARM, preferable a concealed firearms as switch blades are usually illegal and not as effective. Crocodile Dundee’s knife and Bowie knifes are also usually illegal.

God has built a Hedge about our home and even our automobiles. I have witnessed near misses against my wife and myself in the past.

In times past our finances have been challenged. During a period of unemployment we were drawing unemployment insurance and living on a credit card and using the credit card to make payments on the credit card. We reached our credit limit and could not use it anymore and just then a Job came through. We paid off the credit card and moved on.

Two different times at traffic intersections I was warned by the Holy Spirit concerning two different drivers. I was forewarned and used the car brakes when a driver jumped in front of us from a stop sign. Without the forewarning there would not have been time or space to avoid a collision.

The other time I was forewarned and so I delayed a left turn when I had a left turn green light. A driver opposite me had a red light but bolted through the intersection when my light turned green. Had I not hesitated we would have collided.

I do not carry as they say but our house is insured by “Smith and Wesson” as are many and that is our National Security which is feared by 2nd amendment foes and foreigners alike.

We should not brandish weapons but concealed, unseen and unknown is much better except for our Police in Blue or Black.

The martyred Christians of Revelation 2:10 are examples of many Christians today and through the ages.

An alternative to being murdered is a Godly, Lawful, Constitutional Federal and Local Government with Law Enforcement and a strong Military.

We all eventually succumb to mortality meaning we die meaning we leave our body with some exceptions, Hebrews 11:5, 1Corinthians 15:51.

Murdering people as in suicide bombing has no reward or future of blessing but only negative consequence.

Only God knows the future and He wants us to follow instructions which are not difficult as only He can accomplish the unreasonable and the impossible.

On Abram’s 99th birthday he was BORN AGAIN and received the new name of Abraham.

Jacob was BORN AGAIN and renamed Israel, Genesis 32:28, and Job 32:8 (KJV).

Melchizedek whose name means “King of righteousness” who also was King of Salem which means “King of Peace” who was also Priest of the Most High God was probably SHEM who was BORN AGAIN receiving a new name BUT that is an unrecorded, unspecified change of name.

Shem had a genealogy but Melchizedek did not making Melchizedek like the Eternal God who also has no genealogy as God is without mother or father with the “Order of Melchizedek” being an older and a permanent priesthood rather than the “Order of Aaron”.

Melchizedek was indwelt by the Eternal God as was Jesus. Jesus was born the permanent body of God the WORD, John 1:14, Hebrews 10:5, Philippians 2:5-11, who’s Humanity has a genealogy, Luke 3:23-38 who became Jesus Christ at his water baptism, Colossians 2:8-10 when the Holy Spirit rested upon Him.

The Deity of Jesus Christ has no genealogy. This information is a little deeper than most Bible teaching and is something to ponder, meditate on, 1Corinthians 2:9-10, 2Peter 3:15-16.

Jesus Christ IS 100% HUMANITY and 100% DEITY and as I understand it we are Priest in the “Body of Christ” on Earth with CHRIST THE HEAD and HIGH PRIEST of the Body, Ephesians 4:15 and 5:23 according to the ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK and NOT the AARONIC PRIESTHOOD.

We offer up the SACRIFICE OF PRAISE for the GRACE AND WORKS OF GOD with our lips and sharing our material wealth with those in need and our knowledge with THOSE WHO ASK, 1Peter 3:15.

The life we live draws or repels people and while we may be shunned we will not be ignored by anyone and that is a purpose of God, Matthew 10:16-17, Hebrews 13:14-16.

Hebrews chapter 6:

20 Jesus entered as forerunner for us, having become a High Priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.

Hebrews chapter 7:

01 For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;

02 To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace;

03 Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God who abideth a priest CONTINUALLY.

04 Now consider how great this MAN was, unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils.

The Melchizedek priest hood is an Older perpetual and now Eternal Priesthood whose high priest is the Eternal Incarnate God, John 1:1,10,14 who had neither beginning nor ending of days.

The Aaronic priest hood began with Moses and sacrificed innocent animals as a teaching aid leading to the sacrifice of Messiah, Daniel 9:24-26, Hebrews 10:5-10.

New names show new status and what they will become.

Jesus who was born the God-Man, God The Word, became JESUS CHRIST meaning the ANOINTED OF GOD at His water baptism by submersion when the Holy Spirit settled upon Him.

Water Baptism, Acts 19:1-6 in the name of Jesus Christ, Acts 2:38 is NOT just a RITUAL but it is a choice and that choice is the beginning of service to God in the New Testament, Romans chapter 6 for those who live a sanctified life, not as monks but as ordinary citizens, Colossians 4:5-6.

There are many like the thief at Calvary who have never been WATER BAPTIZED BY SUBMERSION but will be SAVED as circumcision is of the heart, Romans chapter 2 coming from repentance toward God, a ministry of the Holy Spirit through their human conscience and it is effectual with blessed consequence, John 14:25-27 and 16:7-12.

In Romans chapter 1 the Holy Spirit through the writings of the Apostle Paul explains the absurdity of Godless men and women who worship so called knowledge, so called science and those who worship idols.

Idol worship and junk science are profitable for some people for the short term, Jeremiah 7:18 (getting even with God) and Jeremiah 44:17-18 (for profit).

Professors at many universities will never have Tenure and may even lose their job if they do not promote junk science as in man-made global warming and some form of modulated, reformed Darwinism.  

Some Israelis, Sons of Jacob were constantly under discipline from God for their immoral living. Their lives were enhanced in their sinning by Demons and Satan who made it profitable for them, 1Corinthians 10:19-33 as he does today but that will end at Armageddon, Revelation 11:16-19 and 12:7-17, Revelation chapter 19 and 20.

Romans chapter 2 concerns REPENTANCE TOWARD GOD which is the primary component of SALVATION, Luke 24:47, Acts 2:38, Acts 3:26, Acts 20:20-21, Acts 17:30-31, Etc;

In the end the REFORMED, REPENTANT and PERSISTENT, will be REDEEMED and they will INHERIT the “Kingdom of God” with others being saved, redeemed but they will NOT INHERIT, Galatians 5:21.

Romans chapter 2:

01 Therefore you have no excuse everyone who passes judgment for in that which you judge another you condemn yourself for you who judge practice the same things.

People who condemn others and commit the same sin are hypocrites who are not saved by their knowledge but their knowledge condemns the hypocrite as well.

02 And we know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who PRACTICE such things.

03 Do you suppose this, O man, when you pass judgment on those who practice such things and do the same yourself, that you will escape the judgment of God?

04 Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to REPENTANCE?

05 Because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the DAY OF WRATH and revelation of the RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT OF GOD, John 5:28-29, Acts 17:30-34, Revelation 20:4-15.

The “DAY OF WRATH” here is the 5th resurrection, the second major resurrection, the final resurrection.


07 to those who by PERSEVERANCE in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life;

08 but to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation.

09 There will be tribulation and distress for every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek,

10 but glory and honor and peace to everyone who does good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

11 For there is no partiality with God.

12 For all who have sinned without the Law will also perish without the Law (MORAL LAW verse 21-22), and all who have sinned under the Law will be judged by the Law;

13 for it is NOT the HEARER of the Law who are just before God, but the DOERS of the Law will be justified.

14 For when Gentiles, who do not have the law (THE MORAL LAW OF GOD, Luke 10:25-28, 1John 5:1-5), by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law

15 they show that the work of the law is written on their hearts while their CONSCIENCE also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts ACCUSE or even EXCUSE them.

16 On that day when, ACCORDING TO MY GOSPEL, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus, John 5:28-29, Revelation 20:6-15, Acts 17:30-34.

17 But if you bear the name “JEW” and rely upon the Law and boast in God,

18 and know His will and approve the things that are essential, BEING INSTRUCTED OUT OF THE LAW, Matthew 5:17,

19 and are confident that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness,

20 a corrector of the foolish, a teacher of the immature, having in the Law the embodiment of knowledge and of the truth,

21 you, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach yourself? You who preach that one shall not steal, do you steal?

22 You who say that one should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples?

23 You who boast in the Law, through your breaking the Law, do you dishonor God?


25 For indeed circumcision is of value if you PRACTICE the Law; but if you are a transgressor of the Law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision.

26 So if the uncircumcised man keeps the requirements of the Law, will not his uncircumcision be regarded as circumcision?

27 And he who is physically uncircumcised, if he keeps the Law, will he not judge you who though having the letter of the Law and circumcision are a transgressor of the Law?

28 He is NOT a Jew who is one outwardly nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh.

29 But he IS a JEW who is one inwardly; and CIRCUMCISION is that which is of THE HEART, BY THE SPIRIT, NOT by the letter; and their praise is NOT FROM MANKIND, but FROM GOD, Revelation 3:8-9.

NO ONE keeps the commandments of God to perfection and so we cannot be judged by the Law or we will fail.

Everyone who survives will do so by GRACE and NOT by works of righteousness that WE DO but those who practice righteous deeds will be saved.

There are 5 resurrections beginning with Jesus, then the Church, then the two witnesses, then the first major resurrection and lastly the 2nd major resurrection.

Evil and its proponents in deed or thought will NOT survive but will be in the “Lake of Fire” and they will no longer exploit the weakness of Mankind as in Eden or the Angels of a previous creation and we will only learn the ways of righteousness and be at peace.

God arranged REMISSION OF SINS through Jesus Christ for many people long before Calvary by looking forward to Calvary as God NEVER EVER FAILS AND THERE WAS NEVER AN ALTERNATE PLAN or chance of failure.

Satan has an alternate plan that began before Adam and Eve and is being played out in the world today, Revelation 12:9-10.

Those who respect and try to keep the MORAL LAW OF GOD, THE 10 COMMANDMENTS are received by the Eternal God.

Many people have been deceived by Satan through false Religion and false Christianity but seek to do what is right.

Christians who live as the world lives, not striving to keep the MORAL LAW face serious discipline AND EVEN MORTAL DEATH.

When we pray in the name of Jesus we receive favor based upon WHO JESUS WAS AND WHAT HE DID which is HIS NAME, REPUTATION as he intercedes for us 24/7’s, 1John 1:9 as God has made Him both Lord and Christ, Acts 2:36.

All Christians who walk with the Lord receive new names that are descriptive of their new status and what they will become.

Saul was NOT renamed Paul as Paul is the Roman equivalent of Saul his Jewish name, Acts 13:9 but his new name was “The Apostle Paul”. Apostle comes from a Greek word meaning to be commissioned or to be sent.

As we mature in the faith we will come to understand our new name and what it means.

Our new name will probably include our spiritual Gift such as “The Faithful Disciple Jim or Janie” or the Greek equivalent similar to “n pisteuo Mathaytas Janie” a name that comes with inheritance and crowns and authority and responsibility.

Revelation 2:17 ‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, 1John 5:4-5, to him I will give some of the hidden manna (comprehension of doctrine, 1Corinthians 2:6-7), and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which NO ONE KNOWS BUT HE WHO RECEIVES IT.’

God has made provision for all mankind and opportunity for eternal life in a New Heaven and New Earth through REPENTANCE toward Him as He did for Abraham, Genesis chapter 22. In verse 6 Isaac carried the wood meaning this is a simulation of Calvary with God providing the lamb verses 7 and 8, and John 1:9.

See also James 2:14-26, Romans 4:9-25, Acts 3:26 and 17:30-34, James 2:14-26.

The Greek word translated REPENTANCE means to change your mind by the evidence presented, Romans1:18-32.

Some ignore the evidence and accept the absurd and unreasonable calling it Science which it cannot be as the word science means knowledge and Scientist are knowledge seekers, John 8:42-44.

There is no evidence to support such theories, hypothesis but there is only conjecture and the spinning of Yarns into fabrics of their own design.

By His FOREKNOWLEDGE God foreknew who would turn to Him through REPENTANCE and who would not but in the end we will also know.

Phase 1 of Christianity is hearing the Gospel of Grace and receiving it by REPENTANCE toward God, Luke 24:47, Acts 20:20-21 and water baptism by submersion in the Name of Jesus Christ, 1Peter 3:21. The Greek word for Baptism means to submerse as in a submarine.

Phase 2 of Christianity is WORKS, Ephesians 2:10 with faithfulness leading to eternal inheritance.

The Faithful:

Hebrews chapter 3:


14 Because we are the Messiah’s partners, Romans 8:17 only if we hold on to our original confidence to the end, 1John 1:9.

This is information only for those who are walking with Jesus so that we might know and avoid unrighteousness.

God’s plan for all of us is a sanctified life leading to blessing and inheritance and as we sin in our walk with Him we have 1John 1:9 so that we might confess our sin and move on to our inheritance.

Those who belong to God through Jesus Christ and return to a life of Sin, James 4:4-17 and remain there will be saved but they will not inherit and they will endure discipline even severe discipline Hebrews chapter 12 until they repent.

Those who do not repent, do not return to a sanctified MORAL LIFE will lose their MORTAL LIFE dying under discipline as many have done and still do, John 8:7-11.

15 As it is said, “Today, if (since) you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as they did when they provoked me.”

16 For who heard him and provoked him? Was it not ALL THOSE who came out of Egypt led by Moses?

17 And with whom was he angry for 40 years? Was it not with those who sinned and whose bodies fell dead in the wilderness?

18 And to whom did he swear that they would never enter his rest? It was to THOSE WHO DISOBEYED HIM, was it not?

19 So we see that they were unable to enter (God’s rest in the Promised Land) because of their unbelief.

The rest, Sabbath for Christians is called “Faith Rest” meaning we rest in the completed ministry of Jesus Christ, 1Corinthians 2:5, Romans 14:5-6, Hebrews 4:9-16, 1John 1:9, N.A.S.B.

It is not given to us to prejudge anyone’s outcome but we can tell who they are currently following, 1John chapter 3 N.A.S.B and we are directed not to fellowship with them, 1Corinthians 5:1-2 and 5:12-13.

The Thief at Calvary was a last minute reprieve of a man foreknown by God who is NEVER LATE but sometimes works on the edge of a time-line being just in time.

Steve McQueen also turned from his depraved life style and began teaching the Bible at a Local Church. After his conversion and Church fellowship began a cancer developed in him that eventually killed him, John 16:7-11. The story of his conversion is on the internet.

Karla Faye Tucker murdered her boy friend with a pickaxe but she had an encounter with the Holy Spirit in a Texas prison where she was eventually executed. Her life drastically changed and changed the lives of others. You can see her story on you-tube on the internet.

Children born of the same parents can go in entirely different directions such as Cain and Able who were brothers, Hebrews 11:4 and Jacob and Esau who were fraternal twin brothers.

Romans chapter 9:

13 As it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”

14 What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God’s part? By no means (NO, NEVER)!

The foreknowledge of God, Romans 8:28-29 is the basis of God’s objectivity in this context.

We know that the Lord is willing that none should perish 2Peter 3:9, John 3:16.

2Peter chapter 3:

09 The Lord of the promise is not slow as some deem slowness but is long-suffering toward us, NOT HAVING PURPOSED ANY to perish, but all to come to REPENTANCE, LITV translation.

The Greek word translated “LOVE” here is AGAPE. The Greek word translated “HATE” here and in other places probably does not adequately convey the meaning of the context in English which is a strong comparison of TWO EXTREMES such as ‘High and Low”, “Rich and Poor”, “Love and rejection”.

Is our love for God, Revelation 12:11 greater than our love of mortal life. This is not suicide but these people are murdered by going into “HARMS WAY” doing the Lords work, Luke 22:35-36.

We are 2nd amendment Americans and our murder can be avoided with common sense as others have the right to exist but no right to murder us, Matthew 10:16-20.

The love of God, AGAPE toward the redeemed of God is the most valuable of all of our assets, 1John 3:1 and highly esteemed by all believers.

AGAPE is a love that is not based on our personal merit by WORKS of righteousness that we do but WORKS are in a different category that will be judged, 1Corinthians 3:11-23 with verse 17 being loss of Mortal Life and not Eternal Life.

Evil must be dealt with or ALL WILL CONTINUE as it has been with misery and destruction ending in a complete loss of the Human creation.

When Esau, the first born was an adult he rejected his BIRTH RIGHT, INHERITANCE which Jacob the 2nd born highly prized.

Jacob with the help of his mother Rebekah, lied and maneuvered to get the inheritance, blessing.

As God had informed them that Jacob would gain the inheritance their maneuvering and lying was unnecessary and later caused much trouble, discipline for Jacob, Genesis 25:21-26, Romans 9:10-12.

Abraham and Sarah also helped a prophecy concerning Isaac which brought about Ishmael who was Abrahams 1st born through Hagar and that also caused and still causes much trouble for Israel, Genesis chapter 15 and chapter 16 and chapter 17.

God delayed what He promised so the people involved thought it necessary to help God fulfill His promises.

Because God is all knowing, Omniscient He foreknew what they and Adam and Eve would do and caused it to work together for Good even though it caused much suffering, Romans 8:28. In the end sons and daughters of Ishmael and Gentiles will be saved by the LOVE OF GOD through the one JEW who is JESUS who is the SEED OF THE WOMAN, Genesis 3:15 that was passed through Sarah and not through Hagar to the VIRGIN MARY, Luke 3:23-38.

Following the right instruction, the Bible and walking the right path leads us to blessing and ETERNAL inheritance, 1John 5:1-5.

If God wants to involve us He will let us know specifically what to do which will never violate His revealed Word, Ephesians 4:11-32.

Many things that Christians do are done in the energy of the flesh which is called Hay, Wood and Stubble, 1Corinthians 3:10-15.


Everything is scheduled and will arrive right on time. The Eternal God looks ahead forecasting 1000’s of years in advance and He is 100% right all of the time so we can relax and live the sanctified life as presented by the New Testament Prophets and Apostles of Jesus Christ.

This next example becomes an allegory representing the faithful of Israel and Gentiles.

Rebekah the mother loved, favored Jacob and Isaac the father loved, favored Esau, Genesis 25:28 SO; is that part of the equation of who we are??

The FIRST and SECOND born in the Bible is a study all of its own and is shown in many context with the second born inheriting and displacing the first born, John 3:9-10 meaning it is a concept taught in the Old Testament.

The FIRST BORN in Christianity are those born babies in the flesh from the seed of the first Adam.

Jesus was also born of the seed of the first Adam, Genesis 3:15 but His seed was passed to the woman Eve before the sin of Adam and Eve most probably when she was taken from his side and then through the genealogy of Luke 3:23-37 to the Virgin Mary and was the only untarnished seed of the first Adam.

Before the fall Eve was a full partner of Adam, a free agent but very different in her femanity, Genesis 3:16.

In the Church resurrection women will be women but they will have the title “Sons of God”, Romans 8:14 and will NOT have children by their spiritual body’s which will resemble their earthly body but it is a highly advanced body and they will set as judges in the “Kingdom of Heaven” and they are joint heirs, Luke 20:34-36, Galatians 3:28, Judges 4:4, 1Peter 3:7, Romans 8:14.

We are still under the rule of Genesis 3:16 while in the flesh with ways to escape abusive spouses in the wisdom of God’s word, 1Corinthians 7:10-17 and by local law enforcement and we have wise feet that travel when necessary.

In Christianity if a believer is married to an unbeliever we are directed to remain married. If the unbeliever, unfaithful voluntarily leaves then the marriage is dissolved, 1Corinthians 7:10-17.

It is permissible to separate by space from a domineering spouse but not to initiate divorce. If the spouse initiates divorce then the believer is freed from the marriage.

Adultery is also legitimate grounds to divorce but NOT mandatory. As venereal disease, S.T.D is easily transferred it may be a good idea to separate or divorce.

The SECOND BORN are born of the seed of God which is spiritual and that is done by the Holy Spirit of God and these are the ones who will inherit, Romans 8:16-23, 2Timothy 4:7-8.

Hebrews chapter 12:

This context is NOT about salvation but it is about reward and inheritance.

At the BEMA Christ Jesus will sit as judge of our works and our reward will be with respect to our obedience to the faith, 1Corinthians 3:11-15, Revelation 11:18.

15 See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace (reach maximum Grace) which is through endurance, 1John 5:1-4) of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled;

16 that no one is SEXUALLY IMMORAL OR UNHOLY like Esau, who sold his birthright for a single meal.

This example becomes an allegory representing the faithful of Israel as well as Gentiles, Romans chapter 11.

Esau married daughters of foreigners who WORSHIPED OTHER GOD’S after being expressly forbidden to do so, Genesis 28:6-9, 2Corinthians 6:14.

In Christianity if a believer is married to an unbeliever we are directed to remain married. If the unbeliever, unfaithful voluntarily leaves then the marriage is dissolved, 1Corinthians 7:10-17.

17 For you know that afterward, when Esau desired to INHERIT THE BLESSING, he was rejected, for he found no chance to repent, (to regain the blessing) though he sought it with tears, Romans 11:11-36.

Tears with NO repentance lead to loss of blessing and discipline and NO inheritance for believers.

Esau lost the INHERITANCE that went to his second born brother Jacob and he was never able to recover it.

We do not inherit salvation as that is the gift of God, Ephesians 2:8-9 with Ephesians 2:10 being the works portion of our life after salvation resulting in rewards and commendation, Matthew 25:14-30 with the servant, slave of verse 30 being saved but he/she will not know God through Jesus Christ who is the “Light of the World”, John 8:12.

Outer darkness here most probably means there is no light, illumination from God’s Word the Bible.

The money here represents SPIRITUAL GIFTS with the bank representing the GIFTED PASTOR AND CHURCH FELLOWSHIP.

Acts chapter 20:

01 When the uproar was over (see Acts chapter 19), Paul sent for the DISCIPLES (students) and ENCOURAGED them, Acts 13:15, Romans 15:4-5. Then he said goodbye to them and left to go to Macedonia.

02 He went through those regions and encouraged the people with everything he had to say. Then he went to Greece

03 and stayed there for three months. When he was about to sail for Syria, a plot was initiated against him by the Jews, Romans 8:7-8, Revelation 3:9, Genesis 29:35 so he decided to go back through Macedonia.

The name Jew is derived from Judah the last born of Jacob and Leah and means PRAISE THE LORD.

Jerusalem and the Temple are located in the southern half of Israel which is called Judah.

Jacob the father of the sons of the original 12 tribes of Jacob was renamed Israel after an encounter with God, Genesis 32:28.

Unbelieving Israelis are referred to as “Sons of Jacob” many times in the bible and believing Israelis as “Sons of Israel” which is the “Born Again” name of Jacob, Revelation 2:17.

The Confusion:

After the reign of King Solomon, the Son of King David and Bathsheba, the Kingdom was divided and became Israel in the North with 10 tribes and Judea in the South with 2 tribes which were Judah and Benjamin and they were called Jews. Today it is used as a generic term and applied to all Israelites.

04 He was accompanied by Sopater (the son of Pyrrhus) from Berea, Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica, Gaius from Derbe, Timothy, and Tychicus and Trophimus from Asia.

05 These men went on ahead and were waiting for us in Troas.

06 After the FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD, we sailed from Philippi, and days later we joined them in Troas and stayed there for seven days.

07 On the first day of the week, when we had met to break bread, Paul began to address the people. Since he intended to leave the next day, he went on speaking until midnight.

08 Now there were many lamps in the upstairs room where we were meeting.

09 A young man named Eutychus, who was sitting in a window, began to sink off into a deep sleep as Paul kept speaking longer and longer. Overcome by sleep, he fell down from the third floor and was picked up dead.

10 But Paul went down, bent over him, took him into his arms, and said, “Stop being alarmed, because he’s still alive.”

11 Then he went back upstairs, broke bread, and ate. He talked with them for a long time, until dawn, and then left.

12 They took the young man away alive and were greatly relieved.

13 We proceeded to the ship and sailed for Assos, where we intended to pick up Paul. He had arranged it this way, since he had planned to travel there on foot.

14 When he met us in Assos, we took him on board and went to Mitylene.

15 We sailed from there and on the following day arrived off Chios. The next day we crossed over to Samos and stayed at Trogyllium. The day after that we came to Miletus.

16 Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus to avoid spending time in Asia, as he was in a hurry to get to Jerusalem for the day of Pentecost, if that was possible.

17 From Miletus he sent messengers to Ephesus to ask the elders of the church to meet with him.

18 When they came to him, he told them, “You know how I lived among you the entire time from the first day I set foot in Asia.

19 I served the Lord with all humility, with tears, and with trials that came to me through the plots of the Jews.

20 I never shrank from telling you anything that would help you nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house.

21 I testified to both Jews and Greeks about repentance to God and faith in our Lord Jesus.

22 “And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am on my way to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there,

23 except that in town after town the Holy Spirit assures me that imprisonment and suffering are waiting for me.

24 But I don’t place any value on my life, if only I can finish my race and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.

25 “Now I know that none of you among whom I traveled preaching about the kingdom will ever see my face again.

26 I therefore declare to you today that I am not responsible for the blood of any of you,

27 for I never shrank from telling you the whole plan of God.

28 Pay attention to yourselves and to the entire flock over which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers to be shepherds of God’s church, which he acquired with his own blood.



31 So be alert! Remember that for three years, night and day, I never stopped tearfully warning each of you.




35 In every way I showed you that by working hard like this we should HELP THE WEAK and remember the words that the LORD JESUS HIMSELF SAID, ‘IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE.'”

36 When Paul had said this, he knelt down and prayed with all of them.

37 All of them cried and cried as they put their arms around Paul and kissed him affectionately.

38 They were especially sorrowful because of what he had said—that they would never see his face again. Then they took him to the ship.
