Who  is he
What is he
Why  is he



Revised 9-10-17

It is important here to understand that the 4 horsemen do not represent the wrath of God but rather represent an attempt by Satan to control Planet Earth in the last 3.5 years before Armageddon. The wrath of God does not occur until Revelation 6:16-17.

The 4 horsemen will ride on the continent of Asia including Europe, Russia and North Africa with a final objective being the destruction of Israel. Millions will die but they will not achieve their primary objective, THE DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL.

Hoping this will help to resolve some issues you may have. The information presented here is borrowed, taken from different parts of the Bible plus the commentary to help explain and make plain the context of chapter 6 of the book of the Revelation.

This is not an exhaustive work as many more scripture references can be added in support, See your Bible.

The original documents, the entire context of which came from the mind of God through His Prophets and Historians and is presented to us as puzzle pieces. When correctly assembled they present to us the overall picture, 2Timothy 2:15.

The translations are excellent works of scholarship. They sometimes use different words to describe the same thing and sometimes they disagree in some portions.

Because of this many people follow a single translation but multiple translations can sometimes resolve issues, 2Peter 3:16-18.

That makes it challenging at times but we have many ancient New Testament manuscripts and the LXX, Septuagint as well as the MT, Masoretic Hebrew Text as well as the Qumran cave manuscripts. 

The Holy Spirit uses the Bible, Old and New Testaments as His TEXT BOOK and He is our final teacher, Acts 16:14, 1Corinthians 13:9-13.

I can be reached at ( for questions and your point of view on BIBLE issues that are important to you.

The Body of Christ, the Church is never mentioned in the plural as Local Churches are. There are many local churches, Revelation chapter 2 and 3.

The redeemed of the Church age are all members of the Body of Christ without regard to Nationality, Gender, Status or Church affiliation. They are all sanctified, Sainted by God and they were all known by God before the foundation of the World, Ephesians 1:4-7 and 13, Acts 13:48, James 2:5.

Salvation is open to all people. In God’s foreknowledge He foreknew who would opt for the Gift of Righteousness and who would deny righteousness in preference for Evil, 1John 3:10, 2Thessalonians 2:11-12.



REVELATION comes from the Greek word meaning unveiling or showing forth of a mystery.

The Revelation is the last inspired book of the works, history and Prophecy’s of God as published exclusively in the Bible for the Church age and beyond.

The events being unfolded in Revelation chapter 6 are POST RAPTURE, after the Rapture of the Church.

The BODY OF CHRIST is singular.  In Revelation 4:1 the Apostle John is one person but the Body of Christ is one person also, Romans 12:4-5, Galatians 3:28, Hebrews 11:5, Romans 8:28-30.


Chapter 6 seems to be an outline for the book of the Revelation beginning at the mid-tribulation period which is the last 3.5 years of the last 7 years of the 490 year, 70 week prophecy of Daniel 9:24 and is called the great tribulation period, Daniel 12:1, Matthew 24:20-22 with details provided in the remainder of the book of the Revelation.

The first 483 years, 69 weeks were completed on the first Palm Sunday, Luke 19:28-40, just prior to Calvary, Daniel 9:26.

Between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel 9:24 is an unspecified period, legnth of time in which different gentile powers have ruled and will rule on planet earth.

The 70th week, the last 7 years also called the POST RAPTURE PERIOD is yet to be started but when started it will be completed.

The 70 week, 490 year clock only runs when God is dealing with Israel and it will start ticking again at the Church Rapture and run for the last 7 years of the 490 year prophecy, Matthew 24:32-51 (the Rapture, see verse  37 and 40). There is much disagreement over this scripture.

The 1st, first 3.5 years will be a time of peace and the last 3.5 years will be a time of slaughter and Great Tribulation, 1Thessalonians 5:3 that will coincide with Satan’s expulsion from the 3rd Heaven, Daniel 9: 27, Revelation 12:7-9 and VERSE 14 which gives us 3.5 years and is presented as time, times and half a time.

Revelation chapter 5:

5**and one of the elders said to me (the Apostle John) do not weep. Behold, the Lion being of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, overcame so as to open the scroll, and to unloose its SEVEN SEALS.

Jesus Christ is the God-man and in His Deity He is the Root of King David and in His humanity He is the great Grandson of king David and of the tribe of Judah and legitimate heir of King David, Luke 20:42-44, Revelation 22:16 and He will set on the throne of King David in Jerusalem where He will govern the entire Planet Earth for 1000 years.

The Wrath of Satan:

Revelation chapter 6:

1**And I saw when the Lamb (Jesus Christ) opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, come, come and see.

The church and Old Testament saints will be watching these events as they take place on planet earth during the tribulation period while we are in God’s heaven, the 3rd heaven for isolation and as part of our education, indoctrination in the vindication of god’s written word, Revelation 3:10.

The Bible was written over a 1500 year period beginning with Moses and ending with the Apostle John but the entire plan including redemption was originated by the OMNISCIENT OMNIOPETENT ETERNAL GOD before the foundation of the world, 1Peter 1:17-20, Ephesians 1:3-4, Hebrews 1:9-10.

The scroll with the 7 seals is actually a program like all prophecy meaning that it is God choreographed with NO music and it will come to pass.

While Satan has tried to circumvent prophecy he has never succeeded and always has been reduced to compliance and always seems to be out Foxed.

Satan is trying to win but in his arrogance he chose an unbeatable opponent who is Jesus Christ who is the God-man or simply God in the flesh, Genesis 3:15, Hebrews chapter 1.

Satan thought he was playing with a pussy cat but the cat turned out to be the Lion of the tribe of Judah Hosea 5:14-15, Revelation 5:5, see above.

Satan finally realizes that his time is short, Revelation 12:12 and in 3.5 years he will be put in an escape proof prison for 1000 years. Yes, Satan reads the Bible and has read Daniel 10:21, probably the Bible of Angels.

When he is released from prison he will deceive those that can be deceived out of those born after the great tribulation period, during the 1000 year Kingdom of Heaven.

After the ensuing ill-conceived rebellion from Satans desperation he will be cast into the Lake of Fire where he will spend eternity with no chance of pardon or parole or escape.

Arrogance can lead anyone down a garden path to destruction and many have walked and still walk that path.

Revelation 6:

It is important here to again be informed that the 4 horsemen do not represent the wrath of God but rather represent an attempt by Satan to control Planet Earth in the last 3.5 years before Armageddon.

The primary arena here is the continent of Asia where the 4 horsemen will ride; See Revelation 6:8 and the world map below. The wrath of God does not occur until Revelation 6:16-17.


2**And I saw, and behold, a white horse and he that sat thereon had a bow; and there was given unto him a CROWN: and he came forth conquering, and to conquer.

Some think because arrows are not mentioned here that he left the arrows at home and he will use the threat of war rather than war to conquer at this point in time.

A horse can run much faster than a man so the horse here could represents speed and mobility with the color white representing NOBILITY or RANK.

White is the same color used for the horses of Christ and the Saints at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, Revelation 19:11 and 14.

The rider of the white horse here is thought by some to be Christ but it definitely is NOT Christ.

Jesus Christ who has many names, titles Colossians 2:9 will again come as The WORD OF GOD as he did in His first advent, John 1:1-14 but here the objective of His ministry will be as a CONQUERING KING and not as a babe in the manger, Revelation 19:11-16.

He, Christ is coming to take possession of Planet Earth as per the words of prophesy.

CROWN, verse 6:2 above is a victors crown meaning that the satanic rider will be a victorious warrior over tribulation saints and those refusing the Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13:4.

The riders of the 4 horses are probably not specific people but the riders and horses represent satanic current events at that time in future history.

The 3 main players for Evil:

  1. The Dragon who is Satan who is the source of power for the Evil Trinity;

  2. The Beast which is the Revived Roman Empire with 10 Kings presiding with 7 heads. Six, 6 heads are gentile Mediterranean kingdoms of antiquity with one of the heads, the Federal Head, who is a King whose kingdom has not yet come and it is he who will receive a great head wound, Revelation 13:2-8.

  3. The False Prophet will be an Israeli who may be born in a foreign land, John 5:43, Revelation 13:11 and 16:13.

A Revelation Outline:

Revelation 1:19 “Write therefore;

  1. The things which you HAVE SEEN, and

  2. The things WHICH ARE, (the 7 Churches) and

  3. The things which shall take place (in the future) AFTER these things.

Beginning at Revelation 4:1 the Apostle John is out of his body and in the spirit and is moved forward in a vision more than 1900 years to the time of the DAY OF THE LORD, Revelation 4:2 & 1:10.

The Apostle John is told in Revelation 1:10 to write about the many things that he sees and thirdly the things after the Church age, Revelation 4:1.

At that time which is probably our time in history the Beast does not exist but is about to come on the scene.

The European Union may be the forerunner for the Beast. Their currency the Euro is vacillating in value which weakens or enhances the European Union but they will still have a closed market system with specific European 28 member trading partners meaning the union will still exist as long as they exist but will eventually have only 10 surviving member nations. Great Briton is leaving the European Union through BREXIT, a vote of the English majority with many others member Nations talking about leaving.

Globalist Agenda:

For some time the political establishment in the U.S.A has been working to establish a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT which is currently called the NEW WORLD ORDER and they have trampled on our constitution and its Bill of Rights and continue to do so.

With current technology they plan to control the world population with implanted chips and reduction of the general population to manageable levels.

Their proclaimed, projected outcome will be world Peace and management of the Worlds assets and raw materials giving them control over pollution of the worlds natural systems, the environment through Ecology and Law enforcement.

This will all fail due to methodology and corrupt authority and it will lead to Armageddon followed by the 1000 year Kingdom of Heaven which will be a righteous kingdom and a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT but will have  National Borders and leadership very much like the USA Constitutional Government of today. 

Jesus Christ is KING and He will be seated in JERUSALEM and will rule the Creation with a scepter of righteousness with the Saints of God in world authority and Holy Angels in law enforcement, Matthew 13:24 and 30 and 39-43, Revelation 20:4, Luke 16:22, Revelation 2:26-28, Hebrews 1:13-14.

An impediment to Evil:

The U.S.A government in a very short period of time has lost much of its financial standing and world political standing.

This is a consequence of satanic powers working through the SONS OF DISOBEDIENCE in the U.S.A as well as catastrophic weather from the PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR who is Satan, Ephesians 2:2, Job chapters 1 and 2.

Probably, beginning with the Napoleonic wars through WW11 and in earlier centuries, Satan has attempted to establish the REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE but has always failed; 2Thessalonians 2:6-7, 1John 4:3-6.

Since WW11 Satan has moved strongly and with stealth against the U.S.A realizing that we must be destroyed before he can control Europe.

How far will this go? I can’t say!  God is calling the shots and not Satan meaning that God can stop Satan’s attack anytime He wants to!

The object of tribulation here is to persuade people by means of their volition to choose life over death by means of repentance toward God and faith in the vicarious, substitute sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Acts 20:20-21.


We the people are creatures of intellect and volition so we should be able to look at the Evil world systems and say I DON’T WANT ANY OF THAT, I will choose righteousness and live but, do we do that? Sadly, many choose Evil over righteousness for the near, short term gain and lose it all in eternity.

This is not a contest between God and Satan but rather a process which is foreknown and pre-planned by God to save many stubborn people who like Johnny need a whipping to listen up.

This outline primarily is about activities in the Mediterranean area which will be the arena of the last 7 years ending in the final conflict which is Armageddon, the last war.

The Obama administration as well as some previous administrations seem to be linked to this satanic enterprise.

The voters are in many cases linked to the error of inept choices.

We DO NOT have the right to rebel against the government but we do have the right to vote.

Politicians use gerrymandering as well as favoritism as well as fraud to get the vote. We need honest statesmen in both major parties and not politicians.

I understand now why we need a RIGHTEOUS THEOCRACY, the administration of God’s Government through Jesus Christ the King, Matthew 6:10 in the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.

Earthly kingdoms succeeded as long as they are lawful and NOT immoral, 1Corinthians 5:1. Otherwise, the people always suffer and the governments fall, Romans 13:1-3, 1Peter 2:13-16, Daniel chapter 5, Acts 4:17-21, Acts 12:6-18.

 Revelation 6:

3**and when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, Come, come and see.

4**and another horse came forth, A RED HORSE: and to him that sat thereon it was given to TAKE PEACE FROM THE EARTH, and that they should slay one another: and there was given unto him a GREAT sword.

The Color Red:

The RED HORSE here most probably represents the shedding of blood.

The sword here is a type of Roman sword and because the adjective GREAT precedes it I suspect it represents a weapon or weapons much more powerful than a mere sword.

The same Greek word for sword is used symbolically as the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, the Bible, Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12.

Armor today is a bullet proof vest and Battle Tanks sometimes referred to as Cavalry.  Armor is also used symbolically, Ephesians 6:13. There is much symbolism in the book of the Revelation which allows the writings to span generations and language. In broad terms a sword is a weapon of defense, Luke 22:36 or War, etc:

 Revelation 6:

5**and when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, Come. And I saw, and behold, a BLACK HORSE; and he that sat thereon had a balance in his hand.

6**And I heard as it were a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, A measure of wheat for a SHILLING, and three measures of barley for a shilling; and the oil and the wine hurt thou not.

A Black Horse:

The BLACK HORSE here represents subsistence living for the average person in the future 3.5 year great tribulation period possibly on Planet Earth but most definitely on the continent of western Asia. Rice, a mainstay of eastern Asia is not mentioned here,

The balance here is a balance scale which is used to measure an unknown quantity against a known weight. The weight will represent known measures of wheat and barley.

A SHILLING here is a days wage and buys enough wheat for one person to live on for one day. Barley is harvested in the spring and wheat in the fall. Wheat has many more uses than barley. Three, 3 measures of barley will probably support 3 people.

Figs were also harvested in the spring of the year and again in August.

Oil and wine here probably represent luxury foods or items for the Elite, those in high position which of course will be Satan’s privileged minority.

Those subjugated here will for the most part be unable to resist the government of the beast, the un-holy trinity.

There is a constant barrage by some people to take away our constitutional right to bear arms as it is in most nations, countries of the world which allows the minority, and criminals, those with weapons to control the majority.

All Americans can be voluntary MILITIA but they are NOT recognized as such by those in authority but we do have the right of peaceful assembly.

National Guard troops are organized MILITIA in each state but since President Clinton they have a FEDERAL HEAD with overriding control.


Revelation 6:

7**and when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying come, COME AND SEE.

COME AND SEE as we will be watching these events from God’s Heaven, the 3rd Heaven.

8**And I saw, and behold, a PALE HORSE: and he that sat upon him, his name was DEATH; and HADES followed with him. And there was given unto THEM AUTHORITY over the FOURTH PART OF THE EARTH, to kill with sword, and with famine, and with plagues, and by the wild beasts of the earth.


The PALE HORSE here is again symbolic and represents death, the pallor, color of corpses.

THEM here is probably referring to the 4Horsemen because they can kill with sword, famine, plague and wild beast.

Wolves, mountain lions, alligators, etc: kill pets, livestock and humans every year. Some animal overpopulation is due to unrestrained rules of some ecologist. Moose and bears are extremely dangerous. Because of food scarcity and lack of firearms this normal problem will be exacerbated.

AUTHORITY here means authority from God. Satan requested authority from God to destroy the prophet Job. See Job 1:11-12 and 2:6-7. Satan makes messes but he doesn’t clean them up.

In fellowship Christians have the same protection and out of fellowship Christians do not, 1Corenthians 5:5. We have trials, 1Peter 1:5-6 but in the end we have extended mortal life as did Job, Job 42:12, we win, Romans 8:9-11.

OVER A FOURTH PART OF THE EARTH is most probably the CONTINENT OF ASIA including Russia and Europe and North Africa which is the North Eastern Hemisphere with the final objective being conquest of the extended Mediterranean area which is in that part of the World and includes Israel where Armageddon, the final war will occur at the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The current nuclear arsenal and military in the USA is a great deterrent against foreign armed aggression.

These events will occur post Church Rapture so USA defense will depend on the post Rapture administration.

The killing and mayhem here will be against defenseless people who are disarmed by their governments.

Judah will defend Israel at Jerusalem, Zachariah 14:14.  

DEATH here means the grave with the decaying; rotting of unburied corpses as there will be many.


HADES is the abode of unredeemed Spirits. Some of the causalities here will be tribulation Saints whose Spirit and Soul will immediately be with the Lord at their demise, death, Revelation 6:9 see below.

Those redeemed during the Great Tribulation will die leaving behind their dead bodies, corpses but their Spirits and souls will be immediately with the Lord and their bodies will be reclaimed at the 1st resurrection, Revelation 7:9-10.

It is AGAIN important here to understand that the 4 horsemen do not represent the wrath of God but rather represent an attempt by Satan to control Planet Earth in the last 3.5 years before Armageddon. The wrath of God does not occur until Revelation 6:16-17.

The Greek word Hades means the lower parts of planet Earth and has several compartments, sections such as the Bosom of Abraham, Luke 16:23-26 and Tartarus, 2Peter 2:4, 1Peter 3:18-20 and 4: 6 and can also refer to the Grave.

The word Hell, Gehenna is incorrectly used when referring to these areas. Hell is a type of the Lake Of Fire and is used allegorically in the Bible. Hell, Gehenna is located near Jerusalem and is where those who worshiped the God Molech would offer their children by fire. It became the city dump where unclaimed bodies and trash burned 24 hours per day.

Hades is the abode and prison of the Spirits that are not with the Lord. Death is a separation of the spirit from the body with the body being in the grave or Hell (the city dump) and the spirit goes to Hades.

The body of Lazarus, Luke 16:22 was probably put in Hell (the city dump) as he was a poor beggar.

The Bosom of Abraham was probably emptied post Calvary, Ephesians 4:8-9.  See also; 1Peter 3:18-20 and 4:6.


People that are born of God have a regenerated spirit, a spirit that has been made alive in conformity with the Spirit of God which gives them the ability to pray to God and receive information, illumination from God through His Holy Spirit, John 4:23-24, 1Corinthians 2:14-16, Acts 16:14.

When in-fellowship Church Age Saints die they are immediately with the Lord in the 3rd Heaven, 2Corinthians 5:6-8.


The reason this is called conjecture is this assumption comes from the patterns shown in the Bible but it is not specifically stated as such.

The spirits of OUT OF FELLOWSHIP CHRISTIANS that have died are in Hades in limbo in a state of rest waiting for the 1st resurrection, (1Corinthians 5:5+Acts 2:20), 1Peter 3:18-20 and 4:6. They are not in purgatory and cannot be removed by indulgences or prayer.

Tribulation Saints:

Tribulation Saints that are murdered by the 4 Horsemen will immediately be with the Lord and they will await the resurrection of their bodies at the 1st resurrection, Revelation 20:4-5 and 7:9-14. Verse 14 says they washed THEIR robes in the Blood of the Lamb, Jude 1:23, 1John 1:9.

These maybe saved Laodicea Church types, Revelation 3:14 with some members being saved but living as the world lives, James 1:21 and 27 and they also missed the Rapture, (1Corinthians 5:5+Acts 2:20).

People that are not born of God have a dead spirit meaning their spirit is separated from God who is spirit, 1Corinthians 2:14-16, 2Thessalonians 2:8-12, John 4:23-24.

The spirits of Un-regenerated people are patterned after Satan, Ephesians 2:2 and they are called sons of Disobedience, John 8:44.  

 Revelation 6:

9**and when he opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of them that had been slain for the word of God (the Bible) and for the testimony which they held, James 1:21.

These are martyrs, tribulation Saints and definitely NOT Church age Saints who have already been Raptured and received their new bodies, see Revelation 4:1, 1Corinthians 15:50-58, Hebrews 11:5.

It should be noted here again that the Apostle John is in the spirit, Revelation 1:10 and 4:2 and has not yet received his new body, Philippians 3:20-21 N.A.S.B, but will at the Rapture.

When in-fellowship Church age saints pass out of their body, leaving their body in the grave, their spirit goes to the 3rd heaven, John 14:2 to await the Rapture of the Church, the redemption of their new body, 2nd Corinthians 5:6 and 8, Romans 8:23. Only Christ currently has a resurrected body.

The Church age Saints are next to receive a new body at the Rapture of the Church including the Apostle John, 1Thessalonians 4:13-18, Revelation 4:1-2, 1Corinthians 15:20 and 23, Romans 8:23 and finally the old testament and Tribulation Saints at the 1st resurrection, Daniel 12:2 N.A.S.B , Revelation 20:4-5.

All Saints who are PRE-CHURCH AGE Saints and Tribulation Saints are with God during this period of time, Ephesians 4:8-9, Luke 16:22-23 but as of yet do not have their new bodies which will occur at the 1st resurrection, Daniel 12:1-3 see N.A.S.B translation, Revelation 20:4-5, which will occur after the Great Tribulation period and after Armageddon, John 8:56-58.

Abraham’s body sleeps but Abraham and King David are wide awake and in the spirit, Acts 2:29-31, Matthew 22:32, Ephesians 4:8-9.

Revelation 6:

10**and they cried with a great voice, saying, How long, O Master, the holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that DWELL on the earth?

This also shows us that there is a time between the Wrath of Satan and the wrath of God.

DWELL here is referring to unbelievers on Planet Earth whereas Saints, have their citizenship in Heaven, Philippians 3:20-21.

Revelation 6:

11**And there was given them, to each one a WHITE ROBE; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little time, until their fellow-servants also and their brethren, who should be killed even as they were, should have fulfilled their course.

A WHITE ROBE was given to each of them. The robe most probably represents the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

This is not about our perfection but rather about our obedience to God in our state of imperfection.

God used animal skins to replace the fig leaves of Adam and Eve, Genesis 3:7 and 21.

The fig leaves represent mankind’s effort to cover their nakedness before God. The only thing that covers our nakedness before God is the righteousness, shed Blood of Jesus Christ.

The Aaronic priest hood:

The animal skins represent animal sacrifice as practiced by the ancients including those under the Law of Moses meaning that innocent animals were sacrificed for the SIN’s of mankind leading to the vicarious, substitute sacrifice of the innocent one Jesus Christ, Hebrews 10:4-5.

The Melchisedec priest hood:

See: the book of Hebrews chapter 7:

The white robes represent the righteous covering of the shed blood of Jesus Christ so that these and others can be presented before God, Revelation 7:14-15 with the laundry being 1John 1:9, Jude 1:23.

The white robes will be worn by those who walk with the Lord who are divorced from the world system and later by tribulation saints who have walked WITH THE WORLD as the thief at Calvary, Luke 23:39-43 but repented and was saved, (1Corinthians 5:1-5 + 2Corinthians 2:6-11), Revelation 3:4-5 and 7:13-17, Jude 1:23.

The thief at Calvary didn’t have time to change his ways but he did have time to change his mind which is what the word repentance means. 

While loving their neighbor the faithful submit to the teaching and practice of God’s word, 1John 3:1-5 and 5:1-5.

Those who by means of themselves are not perfect but they practice righteousness, 1John 3:10 see N.A.S.B translation, Genesis 3:7 and 21, Revelation 3:4-5 and 3:16-19 and 19:7-8, 1John 1:6-10.

The wrath of God:

Revelation 6:

12**And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the whole moon became as blood; Revelation 9:1-2.

13**and the STARS of the heaven fell unto the earth, as a fig tree casteth her unripe figs when she is shaken of a great wind.

War in Heaven:

Heaven here is God’s Heaven, the 3rd Heaven and the STARS are Fallen Angels including Satan, Revelation 12:7-10 and 12:4.

Unripe figs and a great wind speak of Israel in the early spring PERHAPS showing us the destination is planet Earth and the time of year that Satan and his army, 1/3rd of the host of Heaven are thrown out of Heaven Revelation 12:7-10. The time period in verse 14 is presented as time, times and half a time which is 3.5 years.

As these are unripe figs I think we might assume this will occur in the very early windy spring with the stars of heaven being Satan’s Angels. This event coincides with the release of the 4 Horsemen, Revelation 6:1.  

This will occur at the beginning of the mid tribulation period, the last 3.5 years of Daniels prophecy, Daniel 9:24 of 70 weeks, 490 years which is 3.5 years before Armageddon, Revelation 12:7-14.

Revelation 6:

King James Version:

14**And the HEAVEN WAS REMOVED AS A SCROLL when it is rolled up; and EVERY MOUNTAIN AND ISLAND WERE MOVED OUT OF THEIR PLACES, Revelation 16:18-20 and 19:11, Isaiah 40:4.

International Standard Version:

14**The sky vanished like a SCROLL being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.

The Great Earthquake:

Some believe this to be a description of a nuclear explosion and consequences but most probably it is preparation for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.

HEAVEN WAS REMOVED AS A SCROLL probably in this case means the barrier between the heavens and works with Revelation 6:16 in which they CAN SEE THEIR COMING DOOM, Matthew 24:29-30, Mark 13:24-26, Luke 21:25-36.

When a Scroll is rolled up then whatever is behind it is exposed. In this case the scroll represents the barrier between the 2nd and 3rd Heaven, Revelation 4:1 which is God’s Heaven where Jesus Christ and His army’s are prepared to advance.

The massive earth quake has probably destroyed any advanced mobile weaponry they may have so they are virtually without defense.

Their destruction is in Zachariah 14:12 which is caused by the intense heat produced, see 2Thessalonians 2:8.

Their best defense and offense would be parabolic reflectors but due to the earthquake No anchor points would secure them and the intense heat would disintegrate any such weapon.

They are being subjected to this probably continuous earth quake with the mountains and tall structures coming down, falling everywhere. They are requesting the mountains and rocks to hide them from the presence of the Lamb, Revelation 19:11.

This is the time period that the heavens will be darkened and the sun will not give its light. Probably the only visible light will be from the 3rd Heaven and that is all bad news for Satan’s army’s.

A very good read for all of these events is Zechariah chapter 14.

The Prophet Isaiah
Destruction of our Universe:

Isaiah chapter 34:

Isaiah 34:4 below uses a similar phrase ROLLED UP SCROLL but Isaiah 34:4 will most probably occur at the end of the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ just prior to the Great white throne judgment and the 2nd resurrection with our universe becoming part of the lake of fire in which the ungodly will spend Eternity. There are 5 resurrections with the 1st resurrection being 4th in order.

The host of heaven here are the planets and stars of our universe, 2Peter 3:10.

4**And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine and as a falling fig from the fig tree, Hebrews 1:10-12.

This will occur approximately 1007 years after the Rapture of the Church.

The leaf falling and normal fig falling would occur in the fall of the year which may signify the end of God’s plan through Israel for the Earth and its inhabitants including the planets and stars and the 2 earthly heavens, Isaiah 46:9-13.

The 1st Earthly heaven surrounds planet Earth, Genesis 1:6-8, which we call inner space or stratosphere and the 2nd Earthly heaven which we call outer space or the universe with all of its solar systems and galaxies, Genesis 1:1 which surrounds the 1st heaven and Earth and contains the stars and planets including the Earth.

God’s heaven is referred to as the 3rd heaven probably meaning 3rd in order or position and not 3rd in order of creation, 2Corinthians 12:2.

Revelation  6:

15**And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16**And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

17**For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Revelation chapter 8:

1**And when He opened the SEVENTH SEAL, a silence occurred in Heaven, about a half hour.
