So, why did Jesus Die at Calvary?



Who  is he

What is he

Why  is he


The answer is surprisingly simple. The very public and unprovoked beating and crucifixion of Jesus leading to His mortal death were foreknown by God and they were EXHIBITIONS of obedience to God the Father, Luke 22:41-42 and they were for the benefit of those who would believe His message of obedience leading to repentance toward the righteous God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Sin offering, Luke 24:46-47, Acts 20:20-21, Acts 3:26.

The resurrected body of Jesus is not a mortal body but it is a spiritual body which is Eternal MEANING He can never die again, Revelation 1:18, Luke 20:34-36.

Our mortal body is very much like a cocoon, a spiritual house that allows us to function in TIME AND SPACE. At death our spirit like a butterfly or moth leaves the cocoon and goes to Paradise or to Hades or perhaps to Limbo for some with all awaiting their respective resurrection.

Our new body which is made from our old parts as was the body of God who is Jesus will be an Eternal body with much greater assets, capability. The power of God the Word, John 1:14 was limited to His humanity, Philippians 2:5-11 but He received power when the Holy Spirit came upon Him at the Baptism of John making Him the Anointed, the Christ who did Miracles.  

The sacrifice of Jesus will never be repeated which is the argument of Hebrews 6:1-9 for once saved always saved. The Hebrew remnant here are the faithful but immature and they need Bible teaching for peace and stability, Hebrews 6:9.

The obedient life of GOD IN THE FLESH guarantees Him victory over Satan who He will defeat at Armageddon while taking possession of planet Earth. Satan will be imprisoned for 1000 years during the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, see Hebrews chapter 1 for authority.

Satan will again be released for a SHORT TIME to identify like minded people who are born during the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN and then he will be cast into the ETERNAL LAKE OF FIRE and we will enter the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS KINGDOM OF GOD as all problems will be resolved with Evil and righteousness separated and existing in two different realities. Evil currently is being tolerated to teach the redeemed of God the downside of Evil and why Evil and Righteousness cannot coexist as it is today in murder and chaos, Romans 8:18-23.

 Acts chapter 2:

22*”Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a MAN attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know–

23*this Man, delivered over by the, PREDETERMINED PLAN AND FOREKNOWLEDGE OF GOD, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men (Romans, Daniel 9:26) and put Him to death.

24*”But God RAISED HIM UP AGAIN, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.

For Christ to exhibit His obedience to the Father He must of necessity DIE and having died, Psalm 22 and then resurrected He became the pattern of perfection, Romans 8:28-31 for all who follow Him. Our flesh is necessary for our existence in this creation which is TIME AND SPACE but keeps us from perfection. Our flesh will be replaced with a compatible spiritual body at the Church Rapture.

Our Service to the Lord:

All of us are directed to PICK UP OUR CROSS and follow Him which many have done including Apostles and many disciples who were murdered by Godless men.

Our crosses come in different forms of suffering and are tailor made for each of us. We all die on our cross to sin and live to righteousness. Luke 14:26-28 is about commitment meaning who or what will you devote your time to. Married people have family commitments, 1Corinthians 7:7-8. We all have the option of helping to support different Christian ministries but being careful who we support as there are many phonies.

Without the mortal death of Jesus there would be no resurrection. The alternative would be annihilation of the creation but that was never an option, Romans 4:21, Romans 5:19. All of God’s plans, projections will come to pass as intended and on time, Hebrews 1:1-4.

God gave His greatest treasure which was the MORTAL LIFE of His Son to redeem the Human Race which is the measure of how much He values His repentant Saints, 1John chapter 3 whom He foreknew before the foundation of the World, Ephesians 1:3-4, Acts 13:48, Acts 17:32-34, Romans 8:28-29.

God has not shut anyone out as He has given opportunity to all but Evil has rejected righteousness and denied the only Savior. Through Greed, War and Famine they are destroying the Creation and must be dealt with. As God is omniscient, all knowing He foreknew the choices we would make and has given many like the thief at Calvary opportunity to turn to the Savior.

Obedience to God WHO IS RIGHTEOUS and the knowledge of mortal death and resurrection are three important aspects of who we are and will be so, God wants us to be aware of them. The 10 commandments are the LAWS OF FREE MANKIND but they cannot save us.

Disobedience to God’s commandments leads to destruction of the Creation through Decay and War by destroying People, Families and Nations.

There were more than 500 witnesses to the resurrected Jesus, 1Corinthians 15:3-6.

Jesus the Christ, having completed His 1st mission on Earth that ended at Calvary, John 19:30 became the pattern of perfection, Romans 8:28-31.

As we have born the image of the earthly, the 1st Adam we shall also bear the image of the heavenly, the 2nd Adam, 1Corinthians 15:49 beginning with the Word of God in us and the Spirit of God upon us, 1Peter 1:23.

God’s projections, plans always succeed as with the Prophet Job. The outcome of Job’s testing was foreknown by God but played out as a demonstration for us and the Elect Angels of God, 1Timothy 5:21, 1Corinthians 4:9.

Mankind and the objectives of mankind and their projections often fail but can be used as object lessons so as not to repeat similar disasters. “Those who do not learn from the failures of history are doomed to repeat them”.

God is omniscient, all knowing and He knew the end before the beginning, Isaiah 46:9-10 but we do not know and we must learn through the written word and experience. Those having become wise will learn by observation of success and failure.
