2Peter 1:20 Most important of all, you must understand this: No prophecy in the Scriptures comes from the prophet’s own understanding.
2Peter 1:21 No prophecy ever came from what some person wanted to say. But MEN were led by the HOLY SPIRIT and spoke words from God.
2Timothy 3:16 All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for TRAINING in righteousness,
2Timothy 3:17 in order that the PERSON of God may be COMPETENT, equipped for every good work.
My Belief
I believe there is one ETERNAL TRUE AND LIVING GOD who sent His SON JESUS CHRIST to die for the SINS OF THE WORLD.
Because Jesus paid for the SINS of the world all Humans have the opportunity to repent, change their minds and turn to RIGHTEOUSNESS, Acts 3:26, 2Peter 3:9.
Jesus Christ is another name/title for Jehovah as GOD THE WORD in a human form who is Jesus, John 1:1-14, Revelation 19:12-13.
It is important to understand that Mortal death, the separation of the Spirit from the Body is a transition in which our body sleeps but our Spiritual Self, the part of us that animates the Mortal Body, the part of us that has been conformed to the IMAGE OF JESUS, Romans 8:28-30 and 8:10 goes immediately to be with the Lord Jesus, 2Corinthians 5: 6-8.
Jesus Christ is currently the only one with a resurrected body. Church age believers are made alive in the Spirit when they die and their new body will be resurrected at the Church Rapture, Revelation 4:1 with a similar but Spiritual and more functional Body patterned after the Lord Jesus, 1Corinthians 15:44, 1John 3:2.
Christ Jesus, the humanity of the God-man Jesus Christ was bodily raised from the dead and sits at the right hand of God the Father (positional authority, not necessarily sitting down) and He has authority over the creation but will not remove Satan as a player until He returns at Armageddon. The MAN “Christ Jesus” is the permanent Body of “God the Word”, John 1:1, 10, 14, Revelation 19:12-13, 1Timothy 2:5, Philippians 2:5-7 who preexisted in Spiritual Form, John 4:24 and took upon Himself the form of a man who is Jesus who is the “SEED OF THE WOMAN”, Genesis 3:15 through the genealogy of Luke 3:23-38 whose Mother and claim to the THRONE OF KING DAVID was the Virgin Mary a descendant of KING DAVID through the LUKE 3:23-38 genealogy.
The genealogy of Matthew 1:1-16 is a line to King David for His Step Father Joseph proving that Joseph was not the biological father of Jesus.
He, “God the Word” is the agent of God who furbished planet Earth and made Man from pre-existing material which is water and minerals also translated dust in 6 Solar Days and rested on the 7th day.
Although we are primarily water we would evaporate without the dust, minerals as a binding agent and key ingredient in construction of vital components.
Jesus is the permanent eternal glorified human body of God, Hebrews 10:5 who is also called the “Lamb of God”, John 1:26.
Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, the “Son of God” and the “Son of Man”.
Jesus was the first born of the Virgin Mary from the genealogy of Luke 3:23-38 which includes King David, a king of Israel.
Jesus Christ will sit on the throne of King David in Jerusalem for 1000 years post Armageddon ruling over the world in the “Kingdom of Heaven” with a scepter of righteousness with Angels in Law enforcement and many of the redeemed as world administrators. Jesus Christ, post Armageddon will rule the world for one thousand years with a “Rod of Iron”. The wolf will lie down with the lamb and men, women and children will not be endangered by animal or human predators. The Scripture of the Bible was dictated by God and was recorded by men chosen of God and is to be rightly divided for accurate understanding, 2Timothy 2:15. The ENTIRE CREATION was subjected by God to futility for resolution of the “Angelic and Human Sin Problem” and the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the children of God to free the creation from slavery to corruption, Romans 8:20-21. The final and eternal kingdom will be the “Kingdom of God” in which only those made righteous by the blood, the righteous life and sacrifice of the “Lamb of God” who bore our sins, will reign or reside. God is immutable, unchangeable; and omnipotent, all powerful; and omniscience, all knowing. Satan (the Enemy), formerly Lucifer (the Light Bearer KJV), is tolerated by God under restrictions and he is a freelance player useful to God for the resolution of the “Angelic and Human Sin Problem” and he will be in the “Lake of Fire” when he is no longer useful, Revelation 20:10.
Satan like many humans did it their way for the sake of sordid gain and they are liars and murderers and deceivers who prefer or opt for evil. We don’t need justice from God but we do need Mercy and in His Mercy God will save all who repent, turn to Him! Rewards will go to the faithful. Justice will be applied to the un-redeemed at the “Great White Throne” and some will probably survive! Thanks be to God for mercy and illumination with comprehension, 1Corinthians 2:12-16, Revelation 2:17. Ron ron.clark1939@yahoo.com