Daniels 70 weeks


Who  is he
What is he
Why  is he

It is important to understand that the discipline of God, Hebrews chapter 12 is intended to lead us to Repentance.  Discipline is NOT a matter of God’s Wrath but rather a course correction meant to turn us around, to go back to walking in righteousness or it is a Test of our faithfulness with God setting the limits as was Job’s testing, 1Peter 1:6.

No Joke,  This was real and actually happened.

I was once prompted by a Spirit to shoot my Brother as an obedient act to God with a hand Gun that we owned. The Spirit promised that God would IMMEDIATELY raise my brother from the dead. Abraham believed that God would IMMEDIATELY raise Isaac from the dead after Isaac was sacrificed by Abraham by direction of God but God provided a Ram sheep, a substitute offering, a teaching prophecy to forecast Jesus at Calvary where God provided the Lamb for both Isaac and my brother and neither Isaac or my brother were killed. 1John 4:1 tells us not to believe every Spirit but to test the Spirits. The only way to test Spirits is by the Revealed and Recorded Word of God, the Bible. As I already knew about Abraham and Isaac I was not tested beyond my ability to RESIST and none of us will be.   My initial response was shock and then a big NO.  The Evil Spirit communicated with me by my Spirit as they do. Unregenerated Human Spirits are vulnerable but the Elect of God are protected in their Mothers womb and throughout life. Does that mean we cannot do stupid things in our disobedience, NO it does not, see 1John 1:9 as we sometimes yield to an Evil World. People that try to communicate with Spirits are subject to invasion and control by Spirits. God the Holy Spirit communicates with me constantly advising me and others with his Word. When strange things come to me they are always verified by the Bible or I ignore them and sometimes I set them aside waiting for verification as God never contradicts Himself. Satan and men with an Evil Spirit, Ephesian 2:1-2 appear as messengers of Light, 2Corinthians 11:12-15.

1Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God,
1Corinthians 2:13 which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, COMBINING SPIRITUAL THOUGHTS WITH SPIRITUAL WORDS.

Discipline continued

Those who do not repent will suffer more severe discipline leading to premature Mortal Death.  The delinquent redeemed of God will suffer loss of eternal rewards including authority but will NOT go to the “Lake of Fire”.

The exile of Israel was and still is about Discipline as God still loves His chosen people, the Sons of Jacob and the chosen Israel of God which is both Jew and Gentile, Male and Female, Rich and Poor which is the CHURCH, Romans 8:28-30, Romans 9:23-25, 1Peter 2:10, Revelation 17:14.

There are many archived monthly comments in the menu located above. I can be reached at the e-mail  ron.clark1939@yahoo.com  for questions and your points of view on issues that are important to you.

The BODY OF CHRIST, the Church is never mentioned in the plural as LOCAL CHURCHES are for there are many local churches and denominations!

The Romans 8:28-30 redeemed of the Church age are all members of the BODY OF CHRIST without regard to Nationality, Gender, Status or Church affiliation. They are all sanctified, Sainted by God and were known by God before the foundation of the World, Ephesians 1:4-7.  

The 70 weeks Prophecy of Daniel 9:25-27 was recorded about 600 B.C and delivered to Daniel by the Angel Gabriel, Daniel 9:21 who is addressed here as the MAN GABRIEL meaning he was in the form of a MAN which some Angels  INCLUDING SATAN can do.

Satan disputed with the ARCH-ANGEL MICHAEL over the body of Moses, Jude 1:9 most likely because Satan wanted to inhabit the well known body to appear to Israel AS MOSES and to destroy Joshua their subsequent leader who was appointed over Israel by the pre-incarnate JESUS CHRIST.  That attempt never came to pass and the Body of Moses is entombed and returned to dust from whence it came.

We are primarily water but we would evaporate without dust, minerals which are a binding agent and is used for constructing of vital Mortal Body components, from dust to dust.

The MAN OF SIN, the ANTI-CHRIST, the SEVENTH HEAD of the BEAST, Revelation 17:10 will receive a “Great Head Wound” possibly like JFK, Revelation 13:3,12,14 and will be resuscitated, NOT resurrected by Satan himself who will indwell the WELL KNOWN BODY to continue and to advance the work began by Anti-Christ.

Daniel was an exile of Jerusalem in Judea, the Hebrew temple site, after being taken captive by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar and spent the Majority of his life in service to the rulers of Babylon being just under the King as to authority and to God as a prophet of Israel and was greatly beloved by God.


Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks, 490 years are decreed as to your people, Israel, and as to your holy city, Jerusalem, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make atonement for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy.

It is important to note here that the 70 weeks, 490 years are COMPOSED OF SEGMENTS OF WEEKS in the time period allocated by God to deal with Israel EXCLUSIVELY and NOT with the Gentile world which is the AGE OF THE GENTILES, Romans 11:25, Luke 21:24 also called the FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES which is an unspecified length of time.

When God is dealing with Gentiles and NOT with Israel the clock stops ticking as it did after the 69th week, 483 years, Daniel 9:26. This occurred after the 62 WEEK SEGMENT, which was the prophesied cutting off, dying of Messiah at Calvary.

Sixty nine, 69 weeks were completed on the first Palm Sunday about the year 33 A.D on the Gentile calendar.  There is only the last 1 week, 7 year segment yet to be completed and that will begin AFTER THE CHURCH RAPTURE and end at Armageddon and followed by the “Kingdom of Heaven”, the AGE OF ISRAEL with the redeemed of God in authority.

Between the 69th and 70th week there has been a time span of about 2000 years so far with an unspecified total length which is called the AGE, TIMES OF THE GENTILES, Luke 21:24, Romans 11:25.

70 weeks, apparently is a short hand method of annotating and is the equivalent of 490 years, four hundred and ninety years.

The Jewish year is 360 days per year with 12 lunar cycle months of 30 days each.

Daniel 9:25 Know, then, and understand that from the going out of a word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem, to Messiah the Prince, shall be seven weeks and sixty two weeks. The street shall be built again, and the wall, even in times of affliction.

Nehemiah chapter 2 is where the word was given to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. 7weeks plus 62 weeks is equal to 69 weeks which is equivalent to 483 years.

Daniel 9:26 And after sixty two weeks, Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself. And the people of a coming ruler shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end shall be with the flood, and ruins are determined, and war shall be until the end, the end of war, Armageddon will be the last war, Isaiah 2:4, Micah 4:3, Matthew 21:4-6.

After the 62 week segment, 483 elapsed years, Messiah, Jesus Christ, was cut off, crucified but not for Himself meaning  He died for the sins of the world and as we know that occurred at Calvary, Romans 4:25.

The Roman Army under General Titus destroyed the temple and the city about 37-40 years later in 70 A.D.

Josephus, a Jewish-Roman Historian recorded the Jewish dead at 1.1 million and the Jewish captives at 97 thousand. All of the captives were above 17 years of age and were used for slave labor in the Roman empire.

The Church had been warned of the impending disaster by Jesus Christ through the writings of the Apostles and evangelist. Those that heeded the warning fled to Petra in South-West Jordan and were saved alive.

The Apostle John was exiled to the Island of Patmos which measures 5 miles wide by 10 miles long, between 81 A.D and 96 A.D by Caesar Domitian, Revelation 1:9. The Apostle John was preaching Jesus Christ as LORD AND GOD and Domitian was declaring himself to be LORD AND GOD. In 96 A.D at the age of 44 Domitian had a knife stuck in his ribs and subsequently died and is not yet arisen from the dead.

The coming ruler is most probably the Federal head of the Beast of the Revived Roman Empire, possibly the E.U which is on the scene and in the building up phase, see Daniel 26 above.  The participating nations will be reduced to 10.


Because 483 years were completed on the first Palm Sunday just prior to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, see Daniel 26 above and there remains only 1 week, 7 years to complete the 70 week prophecy which will end at Armageddon with the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ also referred to as the End, meaning the end of war, see Daniel 26 above, AND THE END of Satan’s rule which brings us to the subject of the Church Rapture.

Between the 69th and 70th week there has been a 2000 year gap which is referred to as the AGE OR TIMES OF THE GENTILES in Scripture , Luke 21:24, Romans 11:25.

In Daniel 25 above we have “TO MESSIAH THE PRINCE will be 7 weeks and 62 weeks” and in verse 26 we have “after the 62 week segment Messiah shall be cut off” meaning killed.  Luke 19:29-44 show us that the 69th week ended on palm Sunday and Messiah was crucified in what could have been the beginning of the 70th week. 

Scholars trace the 483 years to a beginning at Nehemiah chapter 2, by means of dating and they are on record stating that 483 years ended on the first Palm Sunday, see Daniel 26 above and was later called the TRIUMPHAL ENTRY. This leaves 1 week, 7 years which is split into two 3.5 year segments to be completed at some time in the future, Revelation 12:12-14.     

Sir Robert Anderson, 1841 to 1918, is an excellent source for this scholarship which is available on the Internet for free. There are other sources for this as well including Sir Isaac Newton who also discovered the laws of motion and gravity.


From the Pen of Sir Robert Anderson book,


No student of the Gospel narrative can fail to see that the Lord’s last visit to Jerusalem was not only in fact, but in the purpose of it, the crisis of His ministry, the goal towards which it had been directed. After the first tokens had been given that the nation would reject His Messianic claims, He had shunned all public recognition of them. But now the twofold testimony of His words and His works had been fully rendered, and His entry into the Holy City was to proclaim His Messiah-ship and to receive His doom. Again and again His apostles even had been charged that they should not make Him known. But now He accepted the acclamation of “the whole multitude of the disciples,” and silenced the remonstrance of the Pharisees with the indignant rebuke, “I tell you if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” (Luke 19:39, 40)

The full significance of the words which follow in the Gospel of St. Luke is concealed by a slight interpolation in the text. As the shouts broke forth from His disciples, “Hosanna to the Son of David! blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord!” He looked off toward the Holy City and exclaimed, “If thou also hadst known, even on this day, the things which belong to thy peace; but now they are hid from thine eyes!”[4] The time of Jerusalem’s visitation had come, and she knew it not. Long ere then the nation had rejected Him, but this was the predestined day when their choice must be irrevocable, – the day so distinctly signalized in Scripture as the fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy, “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! behold thy King cometh unto thee!” (Zechariah 9:9) Of all the days of the ministry of Christ on earth, no other will satisfy so well the angel’s words, unto Messiah the Prince” Daniel 9:25-26, see above.

Read Sir Robert Anderson’s book for more information.