The Tracks of God


Who  is he
What is he
Why  is he

I once was young and foolish and now I am older and hopefully wiser. As I grew up a hunger developed in me that I did not understand. Leaving Church one day a Gideon offered me a Little Book and said, “this will satisfy your hunger and it will taste like honey tastes in the mouth but when digested it contains much bitterness”.  And so I tasted the Little Book and it was much like sweet honey in the mouth but when I consumed the Little Book it became bitter in taste but I gained much wisdom.




God has been there and done that.  The tracts of the creator are all around us. Looking in a mirror we see the impossible but there it is with its symmetry and obvious design, Romans 1:18-32.

MANY LIES have been advanced by Evil and proponents of Evil to cover up the obvious which is just MUD IN THE EYE.

So, since God Created from nothing our common sense tells us He would have no difficulty resurrecting the Dead as some believe.

The word GOD means SOURCE OR ORIGIN meaning that the creation is the product of a CREATOR OR GOD.

Satan is called god, 2Corinthians 4:3-4.  The name Satan means the Enemy of God. Satan is the SOURCE, the god of Evil.  Demon Angels and Holy Angels are sometimes called gods and set as kings and Princes, 1Corinthians 8:4-6, Daniel 10:13-21 on Earth and in the Heavenly’s.

The CREATOR GOD, Yahweh, Jehovah has other names in the Bible that are descriptive of His attributes and ministries but He is one God only who is OMNIPRESENT. His names are very much like Ribbons, Campaign medals on the chest of Military personnel who have been there and done that.  

Satan is also the enemy of mankind. Satan was created to be LUCIFER meaning the LIGHT BEARER, the ANOINTED CHERUB WHO COVERS but Lucifer morphed, changed through his volition and became the SOURCE OF EVIL including murder and lying.  In America we have world class liars and murderers in Politics and elsewhere.

All of God’s creatures have volition and make choices. Only mankind creates Robots.

Humans were created in the IMAGE OF GOD to be the SUPERIOR CREATION in some respects and perhaps all respects, 1John 3:2. That might have been a BONE OF CONTENTION for Lucifer’s egocentricity as perhaps Lucifer was or is the most beautiful of the Creation, Ezekiel 28:12-19 but not the most powerful.

JESUS CHRIST who is the name, instrument of redemption is the Old Testament GOD THE WORD in the flesh and He is the creator, the instrument, Agent of creation, John 1:1-14.

As our VOLITION makes us dangerous, God tolerates Satan on a leash using Satan in a SHOW AND TELL program teaching us by WORD AND CONSEQUENCE the destructiveness of Evil, Romans 8:19-23, 2Peter 2:7-8.  Hopefully we learn by observation and not by participation.  God has provided 1John 1:9 which is a provision of the Melchisedec Priesthood as none of us are without sin.

1Corinthians chapter 2:

11–For who knows a person’s thoughts except the SPIRIT OF THAT PERSON which is IN THE PERSON? So also no one comprehends the THINGS OF GOD except the Spirit of God.

Our mortal Body enables us to function in the Creation and to express OUR WILL giving us mobility and participation.

The Body that we currently occupy is a temporary Organic Machine and is animated, controlled by our Spirit which gives instructions to our Body according to OUR WILL through the BRAIN.

The Brain like a CPU has control of motor functions and analysis of environment and contains acquired memory beginning at our birth for these functions.

Our Spirit is like the Key Board pushing the right key commanding the right functions.

Impaired brains cause a loss of function even though our spirit directs the function to work.  Damaged Brains can be retrained or restored through healing with motor and sensor functions returning.

The SPINE is a flexible conduit containing the wiring that sends information to and from different motor and sensor areas of the Body to the BRAIN.

Paraplegics and other people have the same type of human SPIRIT AND WILL but the Body is malfunctioning and does not carry out instructions as directed.

When my Mother was dying she tried to communicate with me but her deteriorated body would not allow it.  Her body was failing but her Spirit was alive and she progressed to the next level of life which is LIFE IN THE SPIRIT and she is in the Paradise of the 3rd Heaven which is God’s Heaven, a different Heaven and possibly in another dimension, other than our Space and time dimension. God’s Heaven is where we wait for the Resurrection of our Body which is a Spiritual Body at the Church Rapture, the final step in our transformation to SONS OF GOD, Romans 8:23.

The Spirit of many people will not be as fortunate as they have chosen Evil and refused to REPENT, turn to righteousness, through Jesus Christ.

The current BODY OF CHRIST is the Church and the HEAD OF THE BODY is the SPIRIT OF CHRIST with some body members malfunctioning causing loss of some mobility or so it would appear but we are assembled by the  foreknowledge of God, 1Corinthians chapter 12 and 13 and fully functional as dis-functional members are removed, Revelation chapter 2 and 3 not being part of the BRIDE OF CHRIST.

1Corinthians chapter 15:

17–And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.

18–And then those that fell asleep in Christ were lost.

29–Otherwise, what will they do, those being baptized on behalf of the dead?

As verse 29 is in the context of chapter 15 it is referring to those who are replacements for verse 18, those who have passed on.  Those entering the BODY OF CHRIST, the Church are both Water and Spirit Baptized and they are alive in the flesh.  The BODY OF CHRIST HAS BEEN HERE SINCE Pentecost but will leave at the Church Rapture and Israel will again become God’s ambassadors to planet Earth for 7 years ending at Armageddon. Post Armageddon will be the AGE OF ISRAEL for 1000 years, the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN that was delayed by the disobedience of most of Israel.  God always wins. All delays were foreknown and worked for the Good, Romans 8:28.

12–Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God.

13–And we impart this, relate this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, INTERPRETING SPIRITUAL TRUTHS, WORDS TO THOSE WHO ARE SPIRITUAL, WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN.
